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How it Works

Understanding How Play Therapy Works

How Does Play Therapy Work?

Our play therapy process is designed to be child centred and individualised, ensuring that each child receives the care that aligns best with their unique needs. Here’s how we implement the play therapy process:

Initial Assessment

Every child and family begins their journey with us through a parent consultation that helps us understand their specific challenges and strengths. This is a unique space where parents can reflect on family dynamics and the child’s behaviour, gaining insights and clarity. This empowers parents to support their child in the best way and sometimes this is all that is needed. We are always here for further parent consultations should they be required.

Schedule of Sessions

 If it is decided that one to one play therapy sessions will commence for the child, this will involve an initial contract of 12 sessions. These sessions will take place at an agreed time every week for 40 minutes each. This timeframe of 12 weeks is necessary to allow the child time to settle into the therapeutic space, form the bond with the therapist which is at the core of the process and then for them to work through their process in their own time. This process involves different stages which will be monitored by the therapist and discussed with parents at the review meeting.

Introducing the Play Room

Our play therapy room is equipped with a wide variety of toys and creative materials that cater to different aspects of child development and individual preferences. These include arts and crafts, dolls, action figures, puppets, sand trays, musical instruments, clay, therapeutic stories and more, providing children with multiple mediums through which to express themselves.

Play Therapy Sessions

Each session is conducted in a safe and nurturing environment where the child is free to explore and play with minimal direction, presenting as they need to in the play therapy room. This non-directive approach allows the therapist to observe, gain insights into the child’s world, ‘be with’ the child in a unique way and start to unravel any concerns as they present themselves.


At around the 8th to 10th week we hold a review meeting with parents. This is an important opportunity to explore progress made, discuss observations and adjust the number of sessions if necessary. We never know how a child will respond and how their process will evolve so additional sessions may be recommended at this stage.

Post Play Therapy

There is no such thing as graduating from therapy but every client is forever a star in our room and in our hearts. Our doors are always open should a child need to return for further sessions for any reason. With the initial block being completed and the bond between therapist and child well established, these additional sessions can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly, depending on the needs of the child. 

It's also important to note that play therapy creates an initial therapeutic experience for a child, making any future therapy or counseling sessions easier and more familiar should they ever need them.

Ready to Discover How Play Therapy Can Benefit Your Child?